Tidbits from Mollie Twohig's Diary (transcribed by Aunt Pat)
1932 Deaths
Grandpa Browne (Aden) died January 25, buried January 28 at Sacred Heart Cemetery, Dundee
Clara Twohig (Dr. Dave Sr.s wife) died November 5, buried at Calvary Cemetery, Fond du Lac.
1933 - Daily news
January 3 - David started at Rural Normal (after holiday vacation)
January 9 - Mon. David started one week's practice teaching here (Armstrong school)
January 15 - All at Lake skating. Hockey game with Parnell. Nora got new skates.
January 26 - Bert Johnson's show arrived. (Old time medicine show, 1 bottle, $!, cures everything)
March 3 - STATE BANKS are closed.
April 3, Monday - David got his contract for school ($65 per month next school year, at Armstrong)
April 4, Tuesday - Election. Charles Twohig beaten by Leo Rosenbaum. Clem got 184 votes over A J Scannell. Pat's first day at school.
April 5 - Dave ( 19 yrs) and George (22) birthday.
May 9 - Windy. Terrible dust storm
May 23 - "In Cherry Time" play and dance. Big crowd. George plowed for corn. Otto Hebener came to work. Drew manure. Nora's last day. School picnic (at Armstrong)
May 31, Weds - fine day, planting corn.Grandpa Browne (Aden) died January 25, buried January 28 at Sacred Heart Cemetery, Dundee
Clara Twohig (Dr. Dave Sr.s wife) died November 5, buried at Calvary Cemetery, Fond du Lac.
1933 - Daily news
January 3 - David started at Rural Normal (after holiday vacation)
January 9 - Mon. David started one week's practice teaching here (Armstrong school)
January 15 - All at Lake skating. Hockey game with Parnell. Nora got new skates.
January 26 - Bert Johnson's show arrived. (Old time medicine show, 1 bottle, $!, cures everything)
March 3 - STATE BANKS are closed.
April 3, Monday - David got his contract for school ($65 per month next school year, at Armstrong)
April 4, Tuesday - Election. Charles Twohig beaten by Leo Rosenbaum. Clem got 184 votes over A J Scannell. Pat's first day at school.
April 5 - Dave ( 19 yrs) and George (22) birthday.
May 9 - Windy. Terrible dust storm
May 23 - "In Cherry Time" play and dance. Big crowd. George plowed for corn. Otto Hebener came to work. Drew manure. Nora's last day. School picnic (at Armstrong)
June 2, Friday - Rural graduation. Betty and Marg graduated (8th grade) Papa, Pat and I went. Hot, very hot.
June 3 , Sat - Papa, Leo and Rob took wool to Campbellsport, got 25 cents (a pound, took about
250-300 pounds of wool, 14-15 pounds per bat, about 15 bats, made about $50!)
June 6, Papa went to St. Cloud for chicks. Rob, Leo and Pat went too. George plowing for corn
west of barn.
June 13, Tuesday - fine day. Saw the Macon Zeppelin in the east.

June 22 - Helene Egan, Ella, Irene and Nora went swimming. Our wedding anniversary (25 Years). Papa, Leo and John to look up horses at Murphy's near Kewaskum.
July 1 - Dick Hardgrove died at 10:30 in the evening.
July 3 - Papa went to Campbellsport, bought car and buckwheat.
July 15 - cleaned, ironed, canned berries, baked bread.
July 19 - Hot. Cutting rye at old place. Laura visiting at Valders. Dave, John, Nora went to dance at Mt. Calvary. John O'Brien, Sr. buried from church here. Large crowd.
July 26 - Nora's birthday. St. Ann's day (21 years old). Hot. cutting oats.
August 5 - Bernadine and Margaret Pesch here. Robert had his tonsils out. Papa and Leo went
with him.
August 6 - hot day. Mother's birthday (Mary Browne). She, Joe and Rose came to dinner.
August 11 - Aunt Eva, Dode and all kids here. Threshing at Robert's
August 13 - Laura May at World's Fair.
August 20, Sunday - my birthday 1880-1933. fine day, big church picnic, very successful, grand time Good crowd. Mother, May, Tie Schuh, Aunt Laura and Mr. Doyle here for supper.
August 27 - Nora and David went to Chicago.
Sept. 5, Tuesday - Day of Memories. Hot, all alone. Papa and George filling silo at Charlies. David began first term (at Armstrong). Nora began in school in Mitchell. Marg and Betty to high
school. Laura M went along. Pat started her first real school going. Buried Old Trix.
September 12 , Tuesday - Charlie and Emma came home from the fair. Chilly, fine day.
October 4, Weds - Windy, cool. Baked. World Series. Ball Game on. New York Giants versus
W Senators.
October 5 - First Friday. Mary O'Brien's baby born.
October 7 - Uncle Clem's boy born. Cool day. Dug potatoes.
October 13 - Nice day. Dramatic club dance, Bernadine and Margaret here in evening.
October 14 - Hugh Foy buried. Big funeral. Laura and Uncle Bat here.
October 16 - Marg on Honor Roll.
October 19 - Pat got her first report card.
October 25 - Nore and Irene finished selecting characters for play.
November 7 - John, Betty, Marg vaccinated (small pox?) Play practice.
November 26, Sunday - "Introducing Susan" play put on for the first time. Booth here in evening. Went to school house (prohibition time)
December 12 - Sunshiny and cold. Some snow on the ground, Pat's 6th birthday. Laura making a new velvet dress for her.
December 16 - Nice day. George, Dave, Laura, Nora went to Fondy. George got a new suit.
December 20 - David's program. All went.
December 22 - Nora's program. All went.
December 24 - 28 degrees below zero. Cleaned and baked. Mother, Maye and Frances called on
way to Midnight Mass.
December 27 - Young people had party here. Next day everyone tired. Nora and I cleaned up.
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