1765? James Twohig (0) (AFN:1113-LQ8) Born Cork Ireland - Later lived Nadanuller Beg, Clonmeen Parish, Duhallow Barony, Cork, Ireland? See Tithe51 & Driscoll of Cork Land Occupier

Clonmeen Two miles south east of Kanturk on both banks of the Blackwater. There was a church and rectory here in the last century (Lewis)
Clonmeen Parish.
Sheet 31, six-inch O.S. ; Sheet 175, one-inch O.S.
Barony of Duhallow. Parish of Clonmeen.
Clonmeen is the Irish for " smooth lawn meadow or insulated bog pasturage" (O'Donovan).
It lies about 2 miles N.E. of Banteer, which is the Post Town.
In 1881 it is recorded :—Area of parish, 20,075a. 2r. 32p. ; houses, 532;
pop. , 2,908;
families, 552;
R.C.'s, 2,887;
Prots. , 21 ;
val., ^7,918 5s. od.
families, 552;
R.C.'s, 2,887;
Prots. , 21 ;
val., ^7,918 5s. od.
Clonmeen North townland:—
142a. 3r. 2op. ;
pop. , 18; val., j£i*9IOS
142a. 3r. 2op. ;
pop. , 18; val., j£i*9IOS
'"° -
Clonmeen South Townland:—392a. 3r. 34p. ; pop. , 74; val. , ^23 0 os.
1769? Johanna ____(0)(AFN:1113-LRG) Born Cork Ireland
1794?James(0) & Johanna(0)Twohig married later to become parents of Bartholomew Twohig(1)
August 24 - Bartholomew Twohig(1) (AFN:1113-LSN) bornGloutane Parish Cork Ireland died 10/10/1852 Chicopee MA, Buried Holyoke, Hampden, Massachussets
Bartholomew (1) son of James & Johannah - born in Gloutane Parish Co. Cork Ireland.His intent to naturalize lists him as b in Gloutane Parish, Co. Cork.
In the past there was quite a bit of discussion about Bartholomew Twohig who came to MA from County Cork around 1848. Janet Nobel Smith posted some wonderful information that wound up helping me to locate exactly where Bartholomew came from in Ireland. I'm posting it here to perhaps help someone else who is researching this family.
Bartholomew Twohig(1) was born in Monataggart, Donaghmore Civil Parish, County Cork. (I can email a .jpg map to anyone who wants one.)
He married Honora Buckley(1) at Coachford, Aghabulloge Roman Catholic Parish, County Cork on 11 FEB 1824. Witnesses were Denis Buckley and James Twohig.
Their daughter Catherine(2) was baptised 31 Jul 1842 at Monataggart. Sponsors were Denis Buckly and Catherine Barrett.
This information was obtained via the Mallow Heritage Centre
I believe the rest of their children's baptisms could be found here if anyone wanted to pay for the service. Since Catherine is my husband's great grandmother I just stopped with her.
I have since also found the baptism record of their son David.(3) He was baptized on 10 Feb 1837 at Donoughmore Parish, County Cork. His parents were living in Monataggart at the time.
1802 Born Hannorah BUCKLEY(1) (AFN:1112-XQT) Cork Ireland (Glen South ie in Clonmeen Parish) try SOUTH GLINN 1 - Corn. Buckley 302 - John Buckley 323 - Patrick Buckley 314 - Widow Buckley 55 - Daniel Horgan 366 - John Connors 27 - Corn. Murphy 248 - Laurence Murphy 759 - Timothy Herlihy 910 - Timothy Buckley 4211 -
1809 FEb 2 Henry Hardgrove(0) Kilkishen, Co., Clare, and brother of Richard. Henry married Mary Hines (Hynes) in Clare and immigrated to Fond du Lac County WI near Armstrong.(Henry was father of Bridget Hardgrove(1) who later married David J Twohig)
1826? Bartholomew (1) and Hannorah Buckley(1) marry Cork Ireland
1794?James(0) & Johanna(0)Twohig married later to become parents of Bartholomew Twohig(1)
August 24 - Bartholomew Twohig(1) (AFN:1113-LSN) bornGloutane Parish Cork Ireland died 10/10/1852 Chicopee MA, Buried Holyoke, Hampden, Massachussets
Bartholomew (1) son of James & Johannah - born in Gloutane Parish Co. Cork Ireland.His intent to naturalize lists him as b in Gloutane Parish, Co. Cork.
In the past there was quite a bit of discussion about Bartholomew Twohig who came to MA from County Cork around 1848. Janet Nobel Smith posted some wonderful information that wound up helping me to locate exactly where Bartholomew came from in Ireland. I'm posting it here to perhaps help someone else who is researching this family.
Bartholomew Twohig(1) was born in Monataggart, Donaghmore Civil Parish, County Cork. (I can email a .jpg map to anyone who wants one.)
He married Honora Buckley(1) at Coachford, Aghabulloge Roman Catholic Parish, County Cork on 11 FEB 1824. Witnesses were Denis Buckley and James Twohig.
Their daughter Catherine(2) was baptised 31 Jul 1842 at Monataggart. Sponsors were Denis Buckly and Catherine Barrett.
This information was obtained via the Mallow Heritage Centre
I believe the rest of their children's baptisms could be found here if anyone wanted to pay for the service. Since Catherine is my husband's great grandmother I just stopped with her.
I have since also found the baptism record of their son David.(3) He was baptized on 10 Feb 1837 at Donoughmore Parish, County Cork. His parents were living in Monataggart at the time.
1802 Born Hannorah BUCKLEY(1) (AFN:1112-XQT) Cork Ireland (Glen South ie in Clonmeen Parish) try SOUTH GLINN 1 - Corn. Buckley 302 - John Buckley 323 - Patrick Buckley 314 - Widow Buckley 55 - Daniel Horgan 366 - John Connors 27 - Corn. Murphy 248 - Laurence Murphy 759 - Timothy Herlihy 910 - Timothy Buckley 4211 -
1809 FEb 2 Henry Hardgrove(0) Kilkishen, Co., Clare, and brother of Richard. Henry married Mary Hines (Hynes) in Clare and immigrated to Fond du Lac County WI near Armstrong.(Henry was father of Bridget Hardgrove(1) who later married David J Twohig)
1826? Bartholomew (1) and Hannorah Buckley(1) marry Cork Ireland
James Twohig(2) abt 1842 IRE - Died at Sea 1848
Agnes Twohig(2) abt 1843 IRE
Dennis Twohig(2) abt 1847 IRE - Died Boston, Suffolk, MA
Hannorah Twohig(2) abt 1835 IRE - Died Osceola, Fond Du Lac, WI
Mary Wenfred Twohig(2) 1/8/1840 Dunmanway, Cork, Ire - Died 9/25/1926 IowA
Johanna Twohig(2) Feb 1829 Cork IRE - Died Sept 20, 1901 Armstrong,WI
David Twohig (2) - 2/14/1837 Cork, IRE - Died 2/3/1919 Fond Du Lac, WI
Bartholomew Twohig (2) - May 1834 Cork IRE - Died 1919 Armstrong, WI
Catherine Twohig (2) - 7/20/1835 Cork IRE - Died 12/5/1916 Eden, WI
1825-27-31 Tithe Listing -Agabulloge
Twohig (0?)
4 Acres
1825 Tithe
1827 Born daughter Margaret TWOHIG (2)(AFN:1112-XR2) to Bartholomew & Hannorah (1)Twohig
1829 Born Johanna TWOHIG (2)(AFN:1115-DP9) Cork Ireland to Bartholomew & Hannorah Twohig (1) Died Sept 20, 1901 Armstrong, WI/ Later Marries Dan Manning(2) of Forest Township, Fond du Lac County / Buried Armstrong, WI
1834 May - Bartholomew TWOHIG (2)(AFN:1115-K27) Cork Ireland to Bartholomew & Hannorah Twohig later to marry Catherine Haggerty(2)
1835 -(1832?)(1845?) Born Hannorah TWOHIG "Norah(2) (AFN:1115-FN8) Cork Ireland to Bartholomew(1) and Hannorah Twohig(1) / Later to become Norah Twohig Moore of Fergus Falls, MN
1836 HARDGROVE: John b:1836 Ireland d: 18 Dec 1928 to: Catherine Heraty
1837 -
Feb 14 BORN - TWOHIG, DAVID JOSEPH(2), farmer, Sec. 1; P.O. Armstrong's Corners; born Feb 14, 1837 in County Cork, Ireland; is a son of (Bartholomew and Hanorah T., )From the History of Fond du Lac County -submitted by Cherie Pennau Died 1919 Fond Du Lac, WI
1842 - Born James Twohig (2) (AFN: 1112-XZ9) born to Bartholmew(1) and Hanorah Twohg died 1848 burial at sea.
USA1844 or
1848 - (Bartholomew and Hanorah (Honora) Buckley Twohig(1) emigrated to America in 1848, remained inChicopee,Mass., Hampden County, until 1852 -From the History of Fond du Lac County -submitted by Cherie Pennau
Twohig (0?)
4 Acres
1825 Tithe
1827 Born daughter Margaret TWOHIG (2)(AFN:1112-XR2) to Bartholomew & Hannorah (1)Twohig
1829 Born Johanna TWOHIG (2)(AFN:1115-DP9) Cork Ireland to Bartholomew & Hannorah Twohig (1) Died Sept 20, 1901 Armstrong, WI/ Later Marries Dan Manning(2) of Forest Township, Fond du Lac County / Buried Armstrong, WI
1834 May - Bartholomew TWOHIG (2)(AFN:1115-K27) Cork Ireland to Bartholomew & Hannorah Twohig later to marry Catherine Haggerty(2)
1835 -(1832?)(1845?) Born Hannorah TWOHIG "Norah(2) (AFN:1115-FN8) Cork Ireland to Bartholomew(1) and Hannorah Twohig(1) / Later to become Norah Twohig Moore of Fergus Falls, MN
1836 HARDGROVE: John b:1836 Ireland d: 18 Dec 1928 to: Catherine Heraty
1837 -
Feb 14 BORN - TWOHIG, DAVID JOSEPH(2), farmer, Sec. 1; P.O. Armstrong's Corners; born Feb 14, 1837 in County Cork, Ireland; is a son of (Bartholomew and Hanorah T., )From the History of Fond du Lac County -submitted by Cherie Pennau Died 1919 Fond Du Lac, WI
1840 Jan 8 Mary Wenfred TWOHIG (2)(AFN:1113-VKL) BornDunmanway, Cork Ireland, Died Sept 25, 1926 Waterloo, Iowa / Buried Waverly, Bremer, Iowa. Later to become Mrs. William Cronin of Waverly IA
????Margaret Twohig(2) was my gggg grandmother. She married John Casey in Coachford Parish (Aghabullogue) in 1842. They lived in the adjoining Parish of Donoughmore for the next decade or so, until John died. Margaret then married James Brew, and she -- along with a number of her then grown children -- travelled to the US just after the Civil War, settling in the Springfield, Massachusetts area.?????
Census records indicate a good slug of Twohigs there at this time, and a number of Twohigs show up on my Casey family's naturalization and other documents, though I haven't been able to prove relationships.
????Margaret Twohig(2) was my gggg grandmother. She married John Casey in Coachford Parish (Aghabullogue) in 1842. They lived in the adjoining Parish of Donoughmore for the next decade or so, until John died. Margaret then married James Brew, and she -- along with a number of her then grown children -- travelled to the US just after the Civil War, settling in the Springfield, Massachusetts area.?????
Census records indicate a good slug of Twohigs there at this time, and a number of Twohigs show up on my Casey family's naturalization and other documents, though I haven't been able to prove relationships.
1842 - Born James Twohig (2) (AFN: 1112-XZ9) born to Bartholmew(1) and Hanorah Twohg died 1848 burial at sea.
1843 - Born Agnes TWOHIG (2)(AFN:1112-Z0G) to Bartholomew and Hannorah Twohig
1845 Jul 30 Born Catherine TWOHIG(2) (AFN:1115-CP4) to Bartholomew and Hannorah Twohig/ Died Dec 5, 1916 Later to become Mrs. Catherine Twohig Mahoney
1847 - Born Dennis TWOHIG (2)(AFN:1112-Z2V) born Cork Ireland, to Bartholomew and Hannorah Twohig / Died Boston, Suffolk Massachussets
1847 - Born Hannorah TWOHIG (2)(AFN:1115-FN8) to Bartholmew and Hannorah Twohig / Later to become Mrs. Norah Twohig Moore of Fergus Falls, MN.
1843 - Bridget Hardgrove(2) born County Clare Ireland later to become Mrs. David (2) Joseph Twohig
1845 Jul 30 Born Catherine TWOHIG(2) (AFN:1115-CP4) to Bartholomew and Hannorah Twohig/ Died Dec 5, 1916 Later to become Mrs. Catherine Twohig Mahoney
1847 - Born Dennis TWOHIG (2)(AFN:1112-Z2V) born Cork Ireland, to Bartholomew and Hannorah Twohig / Died Boston, Suffolk Massachussets
1847 - Born Hannorah TWOHIG (2)(AFN:1115-FN8) to Bartholmew and Hannorah Twohig / Later to become Mrs. Norah Twohig Moore of Fergus Falls, MN.
1843 - Bridget Hardgrove(2) born County Clare Ireland later to become Mrs. David (2) Joseph Twohig
1843 -Parish Record Aghabollogue J. Twohig
USA1844 or
1848 - (Bartholomew and Hanorah (Honora) Buckley Twohig(1) emigrated to America in 1848, remained inChicopee,Mass., Hampden County, until 1852 -From the History of Fond du Lac County -submitted by Cherie Pennau
Chicopee, MA 1878
1849 Oct 21 Born Aden BROWNE (AFN:1115-LZ0) Of Dundee, Fond Du Lac, Wisconsin
(Died: 13 Jan 1932) to Asa Avery BROWN (AFN:187Z-XWP) &Sarah EVANS (AFN:187Z-XRV) later abt 1879 marriesMary CALVEY (AFN:1115-M05) Of Dundee, Fond Du Lac, Wisconsin
(Died: 13 Jan 1932) to Asa Avery BROWN (AFN:187Z-XWP) &Sarah EVANS (AFN:187Z-XRV) later abt 1879 marriesMary CALVEY (AFN:1115-M05) Of Dundee, Fond Du Lac, Wisconsin
FMary BROWN (AFN:1880-FD4)Pedigree
28 Mar 1876
May 1880
St Michaels' Cem, Mitchell, Wisconsin
F Edith V BROWN (AFN:1880-FW7)Pedigree
4 Jun 1896
F Evangeline BROWN (AFN:1880-FTS)Pedigree
14 Jun 1894
M Joseph BROWN (AFN:1880-FXF)Pedigree
15 Aug 1891 (died 9/27/1984)
F Mollie BROWNE (AFN:1115-M1C)Pedigree
20 Aug 1880
Dundee, Fond Du Lac, Wisconsin
7 Jan 1959
Armstrong, Fond Du Lac, Wisconsin
Armstrong, Fond Du Lac, Wisconsin
FLaura A BROWN (AFN:1880-FNR)Pedigree
1 Sep 1882
14 Nov 1909
F Christine Rose BROWN-Beggan (AFN:1880-FRD)
Born: 10 Sep 1885(died 9/15/1982)
Beggan, Christine Rose
MClement A BROWN (AFN:1880-G0S)Pedigree
15 Sep 1898
FMary BROWN (AFN:1880-FD4)Pedigree
28 Mar 1876
May 1880
St Michaels' Cem, Mitchell, Wisconsin
4 Jun 1896
14 Jun 1894
15 Aug 1891 (died 9/27/1984)
20 Aug 1880
Dundee, Fond Du Lac, Wisconsin
7 Jan 1959
Armstrong, Fond Du Lac, Wisconsin
Armstrong, Fond Du Lac, Wisconsin
FLaura A BROWN (AFN:1880-FNR)Pedigree
1 Sep 1882
14 Nov 1909
Born: 10 Sep 1885(died 9/15/1982)
MClement A BROWN (AFN:1880-G0S)Pedigree
15 Sep 1898
1850 census - 13 September 1850 Census, Chicopee, Hampden, Massachusetts p195 2798/3040 (1)Bartholomew Twage 54 m laborer b IRE, (1)Honora Twage 50 f b IRE, Johanna Twage 15 f b IRE, Honora Twage 11 f b IRE school, Bartholomew Twage 8 m b IRE school, David Twohig 6 m b IRE school, Mary Twage 4 f b IRE, Catharine Twage 2 f b Mass.?
1852 - family made a brief visit to Wisconsin and bought the farm.)After the return to Massachusetts, Mr. Twohig, Sr.(1), died age 47? and, From the History of Fond du Lac County -submitted by Cherie Pennau
???? - Norah Twohig marries Patrick MOORE
ChildrenHannah MOORE b: 19 NOV 1858 in WIBatholomew MOORE b: 1852Nora MOORE b: 9 MAR 1861 in WIJohn MOORE b: 1863 in WICatherine C. MOORE b: 9 MAY 1866 in WIJames MOORE b: 16 JUN 1868 in WIPatrick Jr. MOORE b: 18 APR 1872 in WI
1852 Oct 10 Chicopee Vital Records Deaths film #2027070:10 Oct 1852 #789 Bartholomew Twohig 57y d Chicopee Park St. male married laborer b Monataggart Ireland parents James Twohig and Johanna typhus fever Roman Catholic Cemetery (he was buried Holyoke) informant or undertaker Wm. L. Bemis.
1855 - in 1855, the family settled on the farm of eighty acres, subsequently owned by son David J. Twohig(2), From the History of Fond du Lac County -submitted by Cherie Pennau
1857 abt. Johanna Twohig & Dan Manning are married. Children:
1858 - Mary MANNING (AFN:1116-HMJ)
1860 John MANNING (AFN:1115-DRP)
1862 Bartholomew MANNING (AFN:1115-DSW)
1864 Hanora MANNING (AFN:1115-DT4)
1866Catherine MANNING(AFN:1115-DVB)
1869 Johannah MANNING (AFN:1115-DWJ)
1874 Agnes MANNING (AFN:1115-DZX)
1870Helen MANNING (AFN:1115-DXQ)
1860 Fond du Lac County Census Year: 694: Twohig, B. 22 Male Farmer Ireland/ Twohig, David 20 Male Ireland /Twohig Hannah 60 Female Ireland(1)/Twohig, Catherine 16 Female /
1863 Thomas Heraty's Diary
Feb. 21Monday Bitter cold and clear all day. Kept school. Went to Peters in the evening to top boots. Was disappointed. Went to Scott to spelling school. Slept at Manleys. B. J. went home. Coldest day up to this time in 1863. Mailed letter to C. McHale.
Mary Twohig (2) married (this would be Mary Wenfred Twohig. She married William Emmett Cronin and they went to Iowa. )(Cronin-Probate Manitowoc)
ChildrenHannah T. CRONIN b: 4 Apr 1869 in Fremont Township, Butler County, IAEllen M. CRONIN b: 4 Apr 1869 in Fremont Township, Butler County, IAJames CRONIN b: 1868 in Butler County, IAMary CRONIN b: Cir 1865 in Butler County, IAAlice M. CRONIN b: 1879Living
Agnes CRONIN b: Cir 1872 in Ionia, IowaWIlliam CRONIN b: Cir 1879 in Butler County, IALiving
Lyda CRONIN b: Cir 1881 in Butler County, IA
Agnes CRONIN b: Cir 1872 in Ionia, IowaWIlliam CRONIN b: Cir 1879 in Butler County, IALiving
Lyda CRONIN b: Cir 1881 in Butler County, IA
1864 Thomas Heraty's Diary
Nov. 20SunWent to Mass with team to Mitchell. Mary Cain got married. Pat Twohig also. (?)
1865 Oct 2 Born Bartholomew W. Twohig(3), son of Bartholomew Twohig(2) & Catherine Haggerty(2) Twohig. Brother of Charles J(3) & James S.Twohig(3) & Mrs ? Twohig (3) O'Laughlin. - Bartholomew W. Twohig (3)Died 78 years old.
Feb 6 Bridget Hardgrove was united in marriage to David J.Twohig(2) at Byron, Feb. 6,1867.
1867 Thomas Heraty's DiaryFeb. 6
Mass at Osceola, went there with team. J. Rooney got married. D. Twohig(2) and Bridget Hardgrove(2) published.
Feb 6 David J.Twohig(2) He having built good barns and a handsome modern residence. He married, Feb 6, 1867 Miss Bridget Hargrove(2), a native of County Clare, Ireland, her people having reached America in 1846, and settled in 1852 in Forest. Mr. and Mrs. T. have five children--Bartholomew(3), Norah E(3)., Dr Henry F(3)., Dr. David J(3)., and George R(3)(also add Laura Twohig Doyle & Dr. Elmer.) The family are Roman Catholics. Mr. Twohig(2) is officially identified with his town, as he was elected Supervisor at 22 years of age, and has been elected Assessor four years.From the History of Fond du Lac County -submitted by Cherie Pennau Sons & Daughters as follows;
Bartholowmew Charles Twohig (3) b:Jan 2, 1880 Osceola WI/later marries Margaret J. Duffy / death 1973 Fond du Lac, WINorah E. Twohig - Norah Ellen Twohig Birth: 5 JUN 1872 in Osceola Township, Fond du Lac County, Wisconsin
Death: 18 APR 1901 (3) later to marry Dr. John Peter ConnellDr. Henry Francis Twohig (3) born Aug 15, 1873 Osceola/later marries Helen Connell/ Dr Henry, Death 1944
Death: 18 APR 1901 (3) later to marry Dr. John Peter ConnellDr. Henry Francis Twohig (3) born Aug 15, 1873 Osceola/later marries Helen Connell/ Dr Henry, Death 1944
Frances Bridget Twohig? - Birth: 22 DEC 1877Dr. David John Twohig ( David Jacob? Twohig)(3) born Feb 2, 1887/later marries Lina Kelly/Dr. David dies 1965.George Richard Twohig Birth: 6 JAN 1879 in Osceola Township, Fond du Lac County, Wisconsin /later marries Mollie Brown/Death: 3 SEP 1966 in Armstrong, Fond du Lac County, Wisconsi
Laura Anna Twohig (3) born Aug 21, 1884 / Later to become Mrs. Doyle/dies Dec 25, 1977Dr. Elmer Twohig (3) born Feb 18, 1887 / Later to marry ? / deathAug 14, 1953Mary Elizabeth Twohig born July 5,1881/Nora's sister marries Dr. John Peter Connell (the rest of the story) --dies Aug 15, 1954
1868 Sept 20thBorn Charles J. Twohig (3) son of Bartholomew Twohig (2) & Catherine Haggerty (2) Twohig. Father of Charles F. Twohig(4) Died 76 years old.
1871 Approx date Born James Twohig (3), son of Bartholomew Twohig (2) & Catherine Haggerty (2) Later marries Hatie Conger
1873 -Born Mrs. Anna Elizabeth Twohig(3) O'Laughlin. Daughter of Bartholomew Twohig (2) & Catherine Haggerty(2) Twohig.
1873 - Married Catherine Twohig(2)- In 1873 he, (James Mahoney of Eden) was united in marriage to Miss Catharine Twohig, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. B. Twohig(1), pioneer residents of the Town of Osceola, and a teacher in the public schools of the county. Four children were born of this union. The names of James Mahoney’s children are:
Patrick Mahoney, Mrs. Ann Mahoney Buckley, Mrs. Margaret Mahoney Cunningham, James Mahoney, Michael Mahoney, Mrs. Mary Mahoney Killilea, Daniel Mahoney, Mrs. Elizabeth Mahoney Carr, Mrs. Nora Mahoney Flood, Steven Mahoney, Mrs. Katheryn Mahoney O’Brien, and William F. Mahoney.http://www.wlhn.org/fond_du_lac/communities/eden/history_1.htm
1874 Thomas Heraty's DiaryMay 23
George Hardgrove died at 2 a.m. Lord have mercy on his soul!
May 25
George Hardgrove was buried. Attended funeral with team and folks. 164 teams.
1876 Thomas Heraty's Diary
Nov. 1
Mary Calvey and Adon (Aden) Brown called to be married. Aden Brown was born 10/21/1849 son of Asa Avery Brown & Sara Evans
Nov. 1
Mary Calvey and Adon (Aden) Brown called to be married. Aden Brown was born 10/21/1849 son of Asa Avery Brown & Sara Evans
Aug. 15
Mass at Mitchell. Attended with Ma, the boys and Skelton's. Went to see Twohig house in the p.m. and Skelton's went home in the evening.
1880 Aug 20 - Mollie Brown (AFN: 1115-M1C) Daughter Born to Mr. Aden (Adon Brown & Mrs Mary (Calvey) Brown of Dundee WI, Later Mollie marries George R. Twohig
1880 Census -
Bartholamew Twohig - Head of Household - 45 - IRE - Farmer +
Catherine Twohig - Wife - 31 - Can - Keeping House +
Bartholamew Twohig - Son - 14 - Wisconsin - Farm Laborer +
Charles J. Twohig - Son - 12 - Wisconsin +
James I. Twohig - Son - 9 - Wisconsin +
Nora A. Twohig - Daughter - 6 - Wisconsin
David Twohig - Head of Household - 43 - IRE - Farmer
Bridget Twohig - Wife - 36 - IRE - Keeping House
Bartholamew Twohig - Son - 12 - WI
Norah E. Twohig - Dau - 10 - WI
Henry F. Twohig -Son - 6 - WI
David J. Twohig - Son - 4 - WI
George R. Twohig - Son - 1 - WI
Adon Brown - Head of Household - 29 - PA - Farmer
Mary Brown - Wife - 22- WI - Keeping House
Mary Brown - Dau - 2 - WI
1882 July 18 Born Catherine Twohig Later to become Mrs. James Mahoney. Catherine died 12/18/1916
1884 Aug 21 Born Laura Twohig Later to become Laura Twohig Doyle, Mrs . James William Doyle. Mrs. Doyle died 12/25/1977 newspaper Fond du Lac Reporter
1887 Thomas Heraty's DiaryJuly 11
Adon Brown and his man came along in the a.m. Started binding in winter wheat. Binder worked finely. Cut 5 acres before night.
July 19
Adon Brown and _____ _____ came in the a.m. Settled with them for binder.
---1888 Thomas Heraty's Diary
Jan. 8
Paid Aden Brown $30.00 on binder notes and $8.00 on twine in full, in presence of Pat Murray, Sr. Murray rode with me to Geraty's.
March 27
Dave J. Twohig(2) and Michael Early had auctions. Early sold personal property and Twohig, real estate.
1890 Thomas Heraty's Diary
Oct. 21
Mrs. Bat Twohig(3??) died at 11 a.m.
Oct. 23
Our whole gang was upset. Did no work. Mrs. Bat Twohig was buried at Osceola.
Adon Brown and his man came along in the a.m. Started binding in winter wheat. Binder worked finely. Cut 5 acres before night.
July 19
Adon Brown and _____ _____ came in the a.m. Settled with them for binder.
---1888 Thomas Heraty's Diary
Jan. 8
Paid Aden Brown $30.00 on binder notes and $8.00 on twine in full, in presence of Pat Murray, Sr. Murray rode with me to Geraty's.
March 27
Dave J. Twohig(2) and Michael Early had auctions. Early sold personal property and Twohig, real estate.
1890 Thomas Heraty's Diary
Oct. 21
Mrs. Bat Twohig(3??) died at 11 a.m.
Oct. 23
Our whole gang was upset. Did no work. Mrs. Bat Twohig was buried at Osceola.
1893 Plat Map-Eden
1894 Thomas Heraty's Diary
July 31
Dr. Connell of St. Cloud and Miss Twohig of Osceola married. (Dr. J.P. Connell of St. Cloud and Miss Nora Twohig (3)of Osceola married.)
1896 Thomas Heraty's DiaryDec 28
James Twohig (? ) and Miss Hattie Conger married.
June 16Charles J Twohig (3) marries Emma Tobin (3)
in time have 3 sons and 3 daughters
Mrs Stephen (Irene Twohig?) King - Eden (4)
Neil Twohig - Armstrong (4)
Mrs. Nicholas (Irene Twohig?)Abler - Fond Du Lac (4)
Charles F Twohig - Armstrong (4)
Mrs, George (Ella Twohig) Oldfield - (4) born Feb 25,1910/married 1/18/1936/died Sept 1995 Fond du Lac
Jame Twohig - Armstrong (4)
-------------------------------1900 Census----------------------------------------
1894 Thomas Heraty's Diary
July 31
Dr. Connell of St. Cloud and Miss Twohig of Osceola married. (Dr. J.P. Connell of St. Cloud and Miss Nora Twohig (3)of Osceola married.)
1896 Thomas Heraty's DiaryDec 28
James Twohig (? ) and Miss Hattie Conger married.
June 16Charles J Twohig (3) marries Emma Tobin (3)
in time have 3 sons and 3 daughters
Mrs Stephen (Irene Twohig?) King - Eden (4)
Neil Twohig - Armstrong (4)
Mrs. Nicholas (Irene Twohig?)Abler - Fond Du Lac (4)
Charles F Twohig - Armstrong (4)
Mrs, George (Ella Twohig) Oldfield - (4) born Feb 25,1910/married 1/18/1936/died Sept 1995 Fond du Lac
Jame Twohig - Armstrong (4)
-------------------------------1900 Census----------------------------------------
1898 April 24 born Kathryn A. Twohig later to be Kathryn A. King died 1/20/1974
1900 United States Federal Census records matching your search for Twohig All Records > Census > 1900 Viewing 1-50 Next »
Anna E Twohig city, Woodbury, Iowa abt 1865Bartholom Twohig abt 1834Bartholomew Twohig city, Cook, Illinois abt 1868
Bartholomew Twohig abt 1867 Bridget Twohig abt 1844Cathrine Twohig abt 1898 Charles Twohig abt 1870David Twohig abt 1837David Twohig abt 1876 Eliza Twohig Elmer Twohig abt 1887Emma Twohig abt 1877George Twohig abt 1879 Henry Twohig abt 1874---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1901 Thomas Heraty's DiaryApril 19,1901
Heard this morning on the phone of the death of Mrs. Dr. Connell (nee Nora Twohig)(3?) of Fond du Lac at 12 last night.
Heard this morning on the phone of the death of Mrs. Dr. Connell (nee Nora Twohig)(3?) of Fond du Lac at 12 last night.
1904 Sept 15 Born Irene M. Twohig Later to become Mrs. Abler / Death Date:11/15/1991
Newspaper:ReporterPage Number:B12
Newspaper:ReporterPage Number:B12
1905 June 27 - Elizabeth Twohig marries Dr. JP Connell Newspaper Fond du Lac Reporter 6/27/1905
June 22-24 David Twohig(3) Marries Clara Licht. //Elmer Twohig & George Twohig attendants (Fond du Lac Reporter)
June 22-24 David Twohig(3) Marries Clara Licht. //Elmer Twohig & George Twohig attendants (Fond du Lac Reporter)
1908 June 25 George R Twohig(3) & Mollie Brown(3) are Married

1910 Thomas Heraty's DiaryMay 13
Barn raising at Twohig's.
Barn raising at Twohig's.
1911 April 6 - born George Joseph Twohig(4), son of George R. & Mollie (Brown) Twohig (3)/Later to marry Catherine Grau/
1913 Jan 20 David J. Twohig (4) (Fond du Lac Reporter)/later to marry Roseann O'Brien
1913 Thomas Heraty's Diary
Feb. 4
Tue David J. TwohigHeard today of the death of Dave J Twohig(2) b 2/14/1837 - d 1/20/1913) last Monday morning at 6 o'clock. Buried at Calvary cemetery, Fond du Lac.
Dec 7, 1916Mrs. Catherine Twohig Mahoney (2)
Campbellsport News, December 7, 1916DEATH OF MRS. MAHONEY(2) PIONEER RESIDENT OF EDEN DIES AT HER HOME TUESDAY MORNING (also might check Fond Du Lac Reporter 12/8/1916)
Mrs. Catherine Mahoney, widow of James Mahoney, died at her home in Eden at 2 o'clock Tuesday morning.Catherine Twohig was born inDunmanway, County Cork, Ireland, July 30, 1842.
Her parents(1) came with her to America when she was a child two years of age. They lived for a few years at Cabbottsville, Mass., finally coming west and settling at Armstrong, Wis. At that time she was ten years of age.
In 1872 she became the wife of James Mahoney. They moved to Eden and she continued to make here home there from that time until her death. Mr. Mahoney died June 18, 1914, and the eldest son, Patrick, died April 28 of this year.
Mrs. Mahoney is survived by eleven children, Mrs. T. Buckley and Michael Mahoney of Chicago, James Mahoney of Clarksville, Ia., Mrs. J. F. Cunningham of Empire, S. B. Mahoney, Will Mahoney, Mrs. George Flood, and Mrs. John O'Brien of Eden.
She is also survived by twenty-five grandchildren and one great grandchild;
a brother, Bartholomew Twohig of Armstrong(2); and two sisters, Mrs. Mary(Twohig) Cronin(2) of Waverly, Ia., and Mrs. Nora (Twohig)(2) Moore of Fergus Falls, Minn.;
and also a host of friends and other relatives.
Mrs. Mahoney was a woman of remarkable character and her kind and gentle manner endeared her to all who knew her. She was a member of the Altar society of St. Mary's church at Eden.
The funeral was held at 9:30 o'clock this morning from the residence and at 10 o'clock from St. Mary's Catholic church in Eden. The REv. J. B. McFarland officiated and interment took place at St. Mary's cemetery.
also see --> A HISTORY OF EDEN May 20th, 1946
Feb. 4
Tue David J. TwohigHeard today of the death of Dave J Twohig(2) b 2/14/1837 - d 1/20/1913) last Monday morning at 6 o'clock. Buried at Calvary cemetery, Fond du Lac.
Dec 7, 1916Mrs. Catherine Twohig Mahoney (2)
Campbellsport News, December 7, 1916DEATH OF MRS. MAHONEY(2) PIONEER RESIDENT OF EDEN DIES AT HER HOME TUESDAY MORNING (also might check Fond Du Lac Reporter 12/8/1916)
Mrs. Catherine Mahoney, widow of James Mahoney, died at her home in Eden at 2 o'clock Tuesday morning.Catherine Twohig was born inDunmanway, County Cork, Ireland, July 30, 1842.
Her parents(1) came with her to America when she was a child two years of age. They lived for a few years at Cabbottsville, Mass., finally coming west and settling at Armstrong, Wis. At that time she was ten years of age.
In 1872 she became the wife of James Mahoney. They moved to Eden and she continued to make here home there from that time until her death. Mr. Mahoney died June 18, 1914, and the eldest son, Patrick, died April 28 of this year.
Mrs. Mahoney is survived by eleven children, Mrs. T. Buckley and Michael Mahoney of Chicago, James Mahoney of Clarksville, Ia., Mrs. J. F. Cunningham of Empire, S. B. Mahoney, Will Mahoney, Mrs. George Flood, and Mrs. John O'Brien of Eden.
She is also survived by twenty-five grandchildren and one great grandchild;
a brother, Bartholomew Twohig of Armstrong(2); and two sisters, Mrs. Mary(Twohig) Cronin(2) of Waverly, Ia., and Mrs. Nora (Twohig)(2) Moore of Fergus Falls, Minn.;
and also a host of friends and other relatives.
Mrs. Mahoney was a woman of remarkable character and her kind and gentle manner endeared her to all who knew her. She was a member of the Altar society of St. Mary's church at Eden.
The funeral was held at 9:30 o'clock this morning from the residence and at 10 o'clock from St. Mary's Catholic church in Eden. The REv. J. B. McFarland officiated and interment took place at St. Mary's cemetery.
also see --> A HISTORY OF EDEN May 20th, 1946
1919 Oct 21 Norah Twohig Moore - dies Otter TailCcounty MN buried at St. James Catholic Church Cemetary.
11/10/1919 born Margaret Helen Twohig later to become Mrs. Jerome Fitzgerald.
1920 Plat Book Fond du Lac County Must see - Osceola
---------1920 Census-----------------Twohig, William
city, Richland, North Dakota
abt 1874location
race Twohig, David
city, Fond du Lac, Wisconsin
abt 1849Twohig, Henry
city, Fond du Lac, Wisconsin
abt 1874Twohig, Margret
city, Fond du Lac, Wisconsin
abt 1864Twohig, James S
city, Fond du Lac, Wisconsin abt 1871
city, Richland, North Dakota
abt 1874location
race Twohig, David
city, Fond du Lac, Wisconsin
abt 1849Twohig, Henry
city, Fond du Lac, Wisconsin
abt 1874Twohig, Margret
city, Fond du Lac, Wisconsin
abt 1864Twohig, James S
city, Fond du Lac, Wisconsin abt 1871
Twohig, Bartholomen
city, Fond du Lac, Wisconsin
abt 1867location
Twohig, Chas
city, Fond du Lac, Wisconsin
abt 1869location
Twohig, George
city, Fond du Lac, Wisconsin
abt 1880location
Twohig, Nicklas
city, Grant, Wisconsin
abt 1871location
race ------------------------------------------------------------------
1921 - Bridget Hardgrove Twohig - Dies - Notice-Notice
city, Fond du Lac, Wisconsin
abt 1867location
Twohig, Chas
city, Fond du Lac, Wisconsin
abt 1869location
Twohig, George
city, Fond du Lac, Wisconsin
abt 1880location
Twohig, Nicklas
city, Grant, Wisconsin
abt 1871location
race ------------------------------------------------------------------
1921 - Bridget Hardgrove Twohig - Dies - Notice-Notice
ID: I0277
Name: Bridget Hardgrove
Sex: F
Birth: 12 JAN 1843 in Tulla, County Clare, Ireland
Death: 17 APR 1921 in Fond du Lac , Wisconsin
Burial: Calvary Cemetary, Fond du Lac, Wisconsin
Residence: 1901 Osceola Township, Fond du Lac County, Wisconsin
Reference Number: 277
Mrs. B. Twohig, pioneer is deadDeath comes unexpectedly, although she had been ailingLeaves seven childrenMrs. Bridget Twohig, aged 78 years, a pioneer of Fond du Lac County, died suddenly at her home, 131 East Second street at 9:45 Sunday morning.Although Mrs. Twohig had been ill for about three weeks her death came very unexpectedly. She was a native of Ireland having been born January 12, 1843 in County Clare, Ireland, in the vicinity, of Ennis. She came to America when she was a child of two years with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hardgrove. The family settled in Toronto, Canada, residing in there a number of years when they came to Milwaukee. After a few years of residence in that city the family moved to the town of Forest in Fond Du Lac County, in the early fifties. Bridget Hardgrove was united in marriage to David Twohig at Byron, February 6, 1867. Mr. Twohig passed away in this city eight years ago. The couple resided on a farm in Osceola until eight years ago, when they came to the city, after which the death of Mr. Twohig occurred. Mrs. Twohig was a member of Saint Joseph's Church and a member of Alter and Rosary Society of Saint Patrick's Church and also of the Alter Society of Saint Joseph's Church.Mr. Twohig was a woman with high Christian Ideals and sterling traits of character that made her beloved by all who met her and came to know her.She is survived by five sons, Doctors David, Henry, and Elmer Twohig of this city. Bartholomew of this city and George living on the homestead farm in Osceola, Mrs. J. P. Connell of this city and Ms. Laura A. Twohig of this city, Twenty-One grandchildren and one great grandchild. She also leaves four brother and four sisters. The brothers are John Hardgrove of Hopkins, Minnesota, Timothy Hardgrove of this city, Richard of this city and Henry of Madison. The sisters are Mrs. Elizabeth Redmond of Chicago, Mrs. James Smith of Eden, Mrs. Frank Tice, of Pueblo, Colorado and Ms. Mary Hardgrove of Fond Du Lac.Funeral services will be held at nine o' clock, Tuesday morning at Saint Joseph's Church. There will be a solemn requiem mass. Burial will be at Chivalry Cemetery. Daily Commonwealth Fond Du Lac, Wisconsin 18 April, 1928
Name: Bridget Hardgrove
Sex: F
Birth: 12 JAN 1843 in Tulla, County Clare, Ireland
Death: 17 APR 1921 in Fond du Lac , Wisconsin
Burial: Calvary Cemetary, Fond du Lac, Wisconsin
Residence: 1901 Osceola Township, Fond du Lac County, Wisconsin
Reference Number: 277
Mrs. B. Twohig, pioneer is deadDeath comes unexpectedly, although she had been ailingLeaves seven childrenMrs. Bridget Twohig, aged 78 years, a pioneer of Fond du Lac County, died suddenly at her home, 131 East Second street at 9:45 Sunday morning.Although Mrs. Twohig had been ill for about three weeks her death came very unexpectedly. She was a native of Ireland having been born January 12, 1843 in County Clare, Ireland, in the vicinity, of Ennis. She came to America when she was a child of two years with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hardgrove. The family settled in Toronto, Canada, residing in there a number of years when they came to Milwaukee. After a few years of residence in that city the family moved to the town of Forest in Fond Du Lac County, in the early fifties. Bridget Hardgrove was united in marriage to David Twohig at Byron, February 6, 1867. Mr. Twohig passed away in this city eight years ago. The couple resided on a farm in Osceola until eight years ago, when they came to the city, after which the death of Mr. Twohig occurred. Mrs. Twohig was a member of Saint Joseph's Church and a member of Alter and Rosary Society of Saint Patrick's Church and also of the Alter Society of Saint Joseph's Church.Mr. Twohig was a woman with high Christian Ideals and sterling traits of character that made her beloved by all who met her and came to know her.She is survived by five sons, Doctors David, Henry, and Elmer Twohig of this city. Bartholomew of this city and George living on the homestead farm in Osceola, Mrs. J. P. Connell of this city and Ms. Laura A. Twohig of this city, Twenty-One grandchildren and one great grandchild. She also leaves four brother and four sisters. The brothers are John Hardgrove of Hopkins, Minnesota, Timothy Hardgrove of this city, Richard of this city and Henry of Madison. The sisters are Mrs. Elizabeth Redmond of Chicago, Mrs. James Smith of Eden, Mrs. Frank Tice, of Pueblo, Colorado and Ms. Mary Hardgrove of Fond Du Lac.Funeral services will be held at nine o' clock, Tuesday morning at Saint Joseph's Church. There will be a solemn requiem mass. Burial will be at Chivalry Cemetery. Daily Commonwealth Fond Du Lac, Wisconsin 18 April, 1928
1922 Aug 22 - Dr. John Elmer Twohig marries Helen F. Murphy(Reporter)
1926 Sep 29 Mary Twohig Cronin Dies - Notice -
-------------1930 Census------------
Margaret J Twohig
city, Cook, info
abt 1911location
William Twohig
name Twohigcity, Richland, info
abt 1874location
J Elmer Twohig
name Twohigcity, Fond du Lac, info
abt 1887location
Helen F Twohig
name Twohigcity, Fond du Lac, info
abt 1889info
Laura A Twohig
city, Fond du Lac, info
abt 1884location
B C Twohig
city, Fond du Lac, info
abt 1868location
Ella E Twohig
city, Fond du Lac, info
abt 1911location
James Twohig
name Twohigcity, Fond du Lac, info
abt 1871location
Fratlia Twohig
name Twohigcity, Fond du Lac, info
abt 1872info
Robert Twohig
name Twohigcity, Fond du Lac, info
abt 1904location
Frances Twohig
name Twohigcity, Fond du Lac, info
abt 1906info
Betty Jean Twohig
name Twohig,name Twohigcity, Fond du Lac, info
abt 1929info
Charles Twohig
name Twohigcity, Fond du Lac, info
abt 1868location
Emma Twohig
name Twohigcity, Fond du Lac, info
abt 1879info
Merl Twohig
name Twohig,name Twohigcity, Fond du Lac, info
abt 1900info
Irene Twohig
name Twohig,name Twohigcity, Fond du Lac, info
abt 1906info
James Twohig</span></a><a href="javascript:go96370a16()"><span style="font-size:78%;">name Twohig,name Twohigcity, Fond du Lac, info
abt 1913info
Ella Twohig
name Twohig,name Twohigcity, Fond du Lac, info
abt 1910info
Charles Twohig
name Twohigcity, Fond du Lac, info
abt 1908location
Helen Twohig
name Twohigcity, Fond du Lac, info
abt 1909info
Bartholome Twohig
city, Fond du Lac, info
abt 1863info
George Twohig
name Twohigcity, Fond du Lac, info
abt 1879location
Molly C Twohig
name Twohigcity, Fond du Lac, info
abt 1881info
Laura May Twohig
name Twohig,name Twohigcity, Fond du Lac, info
abt 1910info
George J Twohig
name Twohig,name Twohigcity, Fond du Lac, info
abt 1912info
Nora A Twohig
name Twohig,name Twohigcity, Fond du Lac, info
abt 1913info
Dari E Twohig
name Twohig,name Twohigcity, Fond du Lac, info
abt 1915info
John F Twohig name Twohig,name Twohigcity, Fond du Lac, info
abt 1916info
M Elizabeth Twohig
name Twohig,name Twohigcity, Fond du Lac, info
abt 1918info
Margeret Twohig
name Twohig,name Twohigcity, Fond du Lac, info
abt 1920info
Leo G Twohig
name Twohig,name Twohigcity, Fond du Lac, info
abt 1922info
Robert E Twohig
name Twohig,name Twohigcity, Fond du Lac, info
abt 1925info
Patrica Twohig
name Twohig,name Twohigcity, Fond du Lac, info
abt 1928info
Margaret J Twohig
city, Milwaukee, info
abt 1870location
Rose S Twohig
city, Milwaukee, info (dies 5/30/1979)
abt 1905info
William E Twohig
name Twohigcity, Sheboygan, info
abt 1899location
Ida M Twohig
name Twohigcity, Sheboygan, info
abt 1898info
Francis J Twohig
name Twohig,name Twohigcity, Sheboygan, info
abt 1926info
1933 Mt Mary College Roster of Students Majorie and Catherine Twohig
1935 Oct 11 - Bartholomew C Twohig dies (Fond Du Lac Commonwealth Reporter)
1937 Oct 2 Marian Twohig marries George D. Young (Fond du Lac Reporter)
1937 Nov 13 Death James William Doyle Husband of Laura Twohig Doyle. James was born 4/18/1874 Newspaper Fond Du Lac Reporter 11/15/1937
1940 -Twohig, David — of Fond du Lac, Fond du Lac County, Wis. Democrat. Alternate delegate to Democratic National Convention from Wisconsin, 1940. Still living as of 1940.
1946 April 10 Dr. Henry E. Twohig Dies( Fond du Lac Reporter)
10/15/1949 - Margaret Helen Twohig marries Jerome Dwyer Fitzgerald - Fond Du Lac Reporter 10/15/1949 page 6
1949 Nov 19 Charles George Twohig dies (Fond du Lac Reporter 11/22/1949)
1953 Aug 14 Dr. J. E. Twohig dies -(Reporter 11/14/1953)
1954 Aug 15 Mary Elizabeth Twohig dies /born july 5, 1881
1962 Oct 22 Helen Twohig dies (Reporter 10/22/1962)
1965 July 20 David J. Twohig Sr. dies (reporter 7/20/1965)
1969 Nov 1 James B. Twohig dies (Fond du Lac Reporter)
1970 April 20 - Mrs. Margaret Twohig Fitzgerald dies. (Fond du Lac Reporter)
1974 Jan 20 - Mrs. Kathryn A. (Twohig) King dies (Fond du Lac Reporter)
1975 ???- Lina Margaret (nee-Kelly) Twohig (Reporter) 4/27/1895
1977 July 20 - Ida (nee-Ditter) Twohig dies born 12/30/1897
1977 Dec 25 - Laura Twohig Doyle dies (Reporter) born 8/21/1884
1979 Feb 20 - Miss Laura May Twohig dies (Reporter) born 5/21/1909
1979 May 30 - Miss Rose Twohig dies (Reporter)
1979 Dec 4 - William Twohig Dies (Reporter) born 10/4/1898
1980 Aug 25 Frieda (nee- Salter) Twohig dies (Reporter)born 4/26/1906
1980 Sept 5 - Mary Elizabeth Twohig dies (Reporter) born 6/28/1917
1991/11/15- Irene M. (Twohig) Abler Dies (Reporter)
1993 Mar 10 - Helen (nee-Shoenrock)Twohig dies (Reporter 3/10/93 page b12) born 6/13/1908
1994 Sept 13 David Twohig dies (Reporter) born 4/5/1914
1995 Sept Ella Twohig Oldfield dies
5/31/05 Rose MarTwohig, 79, of Armstrong died peacefully on Tuesday, May 31, 2005, at St. Nicholas Hospital in Sheboygan after a valiant battle with multiple myeloma and plasma cell leukemia.
She was born in the township of Osceola on June 28, 1925, to Thomas and Mamie O’Brien Scannell. On Sept. 26, 1959, Rose Mary married Robert E. Twohig at Our Lady of Angels Church in Armstrong. It was a celebration of love joining two Irish families.
Rose Mary attended Mitchell School, Roosevelt Junior High and graduated from St Mary’s Springs High School in 1943. She continued her education at Oshkosh State Teachers’ College, where she earned a bachelor’s degree in education. Rose Mary was a dedicated teacher. She began her 30-year teaching career at Horace Mann Rural School and went on to teach at Mitchell and Dundee rural schools, teaching all eight grades. She then continued her career in the Campbellsport School District for five years.
After her marriage in 1959 she took time off to raise a family. Bob and Rose Mary made their home on the Twohig family farm with their daughters MaryAnn, Patti and Robbie. Rose Mary’s value of education was instilled in them, as each pursued a career in the field of education. In recent years, she cherished being “Moma” to her grandchildren.
In the fall of 1974, Rose Mary returned for another 15 years of teaching at Campbellsport Elementary School, retiring in 1990. Through her years of teaching she influenced hundreds of students, many of whom remained in contact with her, remembering her teaching style, her wit and the gleam in her eye.
Her service to education didn’t stop in the classroom. She served on the Northeastern Education Association Executive Board for many years, early in her career was chairman of the State Reading Group, was a member of the Campbellsport Education Association, Wisconsin Education Association, and the National Education Association. Upon her retirement Rose Mary enjoyed serving as reporter for seven years and secretary for eight years of the Fond du Lac Area Retired Educators Association.
In June she was to receive the status of Honored Member of the Wisconsin Retired Educators’ Association. Her retirement also gave her the opportunity to celebrate her Irish heritage by becoming active in the Irish History Club of Fond du Lac. Over her years of participation she held a variety of offices including secretary, treasurer and president of the Irish History Club.
Rose Mary was able to share her enjoyment of music throughout her life. She sang with Jack Wenzlaff and his band, as well as a number of other local musicians. Later, she was a 4-H music leader and in her retirement served as an organist at St. Mary’s in Eden. Whether it was “McNamara’s Band” or the “Celtic Alleluia,” she brought enjoyment to those who heard her.
Rose Mary is survived by her husband, Bob of Armstrong; her daughters, MaryAnn (Chad) Reingold of Studio City, Calif., Patti (David) Marcinko of Oswego, Ill., and Robbie Twohig of Burlington; three grandchildren, Micaila Kelly and Egan Robert Marcinko, and Lilly Rose Reingold.
She is further survived by her nephews, Mike, Edward and Gerry; nieces, Mary Narges and Shirley Straub; her brothers-in-law, Dr. George Twohig and Leo Twohig; sisters-in-law, Patricia Twohig, Roseann Twohig and June Twohig; close cousin Robert Scannell (Bunny) of Kewaskum; and many other relatives.
She was preceded in death by her parents, Thomas and Mamie; her brothers, James and George (Marie); her sister, Isabell; her nephew, Patrick; her brothers-in-law, David and John Twohig, and her sisters-in-law, Laura May, Betty, Catherine and Florence Twohig, Nora (Herb) Niederehe and Margaret (Jerry) Fitzgerald.
Rose Mary celebrated her strong faith and family throughout her life. Along with these, she appreciated the value of education, the rural school and her Irish heritage, all of which she cherished.
• Services: A Liturgy of Christian Burial will be held at 10 a.m. on Monday, June 6, 2005, at Holy Cross Catholic Church in Mount Calvary, with Father Gerald Pehler and Father Anthony Scannell officiating. Burial will follow at Our Lady of Angels Cemetery in Armstrong.
• Visitation: Visitation will be held from 3 to 7 p.m. on Sunday, June 5, 2005, at the Twohig Funeral Home, Campbellsport, and from 9 a.m. until the time of services at the church on Monday.
Twohig Funeral Home, Campbellsport, is serving the family.
Corrections Additions are Welcome!
2005,March 24 Nora Ann NiedereheNora Ann NiedereheNora Ann Niederehe, 92, formerly of 120 Fifth St., died peacefully at the St. Francis Home, Fond du Lac on March 24, 2005.She was born on July 26, 1912, in Armstrong to George R. and Mollie Browne Twohig.
On her birthday, July 26, 1941, she married Herbert W. Niederehe at Our Lady of Angels Church, Armstrong. He preceded her in death on Aug. 16, 1986.
Nora attended elementary school in Armstrong, graduated from Fond du Lac High School in 1930, and from the Fond du Lac County Normal School in 1931.
She was employed as a teacher for a ten-year period prior to her marriage, in the rural schools at Armstrong and Mitchell, and later at Brandon Elementary School.After their marriage, Nora and Herb raised their family in Eden, where Herb was employed in the Eden Bank.
They moved to Fond du Lac in 1949, when Herb began working at the National Exchange Bank, where he later became president and Chairman of the Board.
Nora remained devoted to education while raising her family. She was a substitute teacher at St. Joseph’s School, taught homebound students during the polio epidemic of the 1950s, and later became a representative and regional sales manager for Field Enterprises, selling books and other educational products.
Throughout her life, Nora was known for her dedication to faith and family, her kind and compassionate nature, her gracious manner, and her Irish charm.Nora was a member of St. Joseph’s Holy Family Parish where she was active in the Altar and Rosary Society and the PTO. She was also an active member of the Irish History Club, the Fond du Lac Genealogical Society, the St. Francis Home Auxiliary, the Calvary Parents Association and the Fond du Lac Retired Teachers Association. She was a volunteer with Loaves and Fishes and a Cub Scout and Girl Scout leader.
Survivors include six children, Ann Niederehe (Dale Snedaker) of Salem, Ore., Dr. George Niederehe (Roberta Staat) of Brookville, Md., Mary Niederehe (Bruce Meredith) of Madison, Catherine Niederehe of West Allis, Jane Kean (Larry) of Wauwatosa and Margaret Niederehe of Fond du Lac; seven grandchildren, Brenna, Molly and Maura Kean, Alison Staat-Niederehe, Katherine Niederehe, and Marc and Lisa Meredith; three step-grandchildren, Laura Snedaker, Kristi Becker (Rob) and Scott (Teri) Snedaker; three great-grandchildren.She is further survived by four siblings, Dr. George of Kiel, Leo, Robert (Rosemary), and Patricia, all of Armstrong; three sisters-in-law, Helen Jagdfeld (Clarence) and June Twohig of Fond du Lac and Roseann Twohig of Campbellsport; many nieces, nephews and cousins.Nora was preceded in death by her husband; two brothers, John and David; three sisters, Laura May and Betty Twohig and Margaret (Jerry) Fitzgerald; and two sisters-in-law, Florence and Catherine Twohig.•
Services: A Liturgy of Christian Burial will be held at 11 a.m. on Tuesday, March 29, 2005, at St. Joseph’s Holy Family Parish Church, with Father Vic Capriolo officiating. Burial will be at Calvary Cemetery.• Visitation: Visitation will be held from 4 to 7 p.m. on Monday, March 28, 2005, at the Twohig Funeral Home, Fond du Lac, and from 10 a.m. until the time of services on Tuesday at the church.Donations may be directed to St. Francis Home Employee Appreciation Fund or to Hospice Hope.
The family wishes to thank the staff of St. Francis Terrace and Home, the staff and volunteers of Hospice Hope, Dr. David Weber and Dr. Michael Jones for the exceptional care provided to Nora. Twohig Funeral Home, Fond du Lac, is serving the family.
On her birthday, July 26, 1941, she married Herbert W. Niederehe at Our Lady of Angels Church, Armstrong. He preceded her in death on Aug. 16, 1986.
Nora attended elementary school in Armstrong, graduated from Fond du Lac High School in 1930, and from the Fond du Lac County Normal School in 1931.
She was employed as a teacher for a ten-year period prior to her marriage, in the rural schools at Armstrong and Mitchell, and later at Brandon Elementary School.After their marriage, Nora and Herb raised their family in Eden, where Herb was employed in the Eden Bank.
They moved to Fond du Lac in 1949, when Herb began working at the National Exchange Bank, where he later became president and Chairman of the Board.
Nora remained devoted to education while raising her family. She was a substitute teacher at St. Joseph’s School, taught homebound students during the polio epidemic of the 1950s, and later became a representative and regional sales manager for Field Enterprises, selling books and other educational products.
Throughout her life, Nora was known for her dedication to faith and family, her kind and compassionate nature, her gracious manner, and her Irish charm.Nora was a member of St. Joseph’s Holy Family Parish where she was active in the Altar and Rosary Society and the PTO. She was also an active member of the Irish History Club, the Fond du Lac Genealogical Society, the St. Francis Home Auxiliary, the Calvary Parents Association and the Fond du Lac Retired Teachers Association. She was a volunteer with Loaves and Fishes and a Cub Scout and Girl Scout leader.
Survivors include six children, Ann Niederehe (Dale Snedaker) of Salem, Ore., Dr. George Niederehe (Roberta Staat) of Brookville, Md., Mary Niederehe (Bruce Meredith) of Madison, Catherine Niederehe of West Allis, Jane Kean (Larry) of Wauwatosa and Margaret Niederehe of Fond du Lac; seven grandchildren, Brenna, Molly and Maura Kean, Alison Staat-Niederehe, Katherine Niederehe, and Marc and Lisa Meredith; three step-grandchildren, Laura Snedaker, Kristi Becker (Rob) and Scott (Teri) Snedaker; three great-grandchildren.She is further survived by four siblings, Dr. George of Kiel, Leo, Robert (Rosemary), and Patricia, all of Armstrong; three sisters-in-law, Helen Jagdfeld (Clarence) and June Twohig of Fond du Lac and Roseann Twohig of Campbellsport; many nieces, nephews and cousins.Nora was preceded in death by her husband; two brothers, John and David; three sisters, Laura May and Betty Twohig and Margaret (Jerry) Fitzgerald; and two sisters-in-law, Florence and Catherine Twohig.•
Services: A Liturgy of Christian Burial will be held at 11 a.m. on Tuesday, March 29, 2005, at St. Joseph’s Holy Family Parish Church, with Father Vic Capriolo officiating. Burial will be at Calvary Cemetery.• Visitation: Visitation will be held from 4 to 7 p.m. on Monday, March 28, 2005, at the Twohig Funeral Home, Fond du Lac, and from 10 a.m. until the time of services on Tuesday at the church.Donations may be directed to St. Francis Home Employee Appreciation Fund or to Hospice Hope.
The family wishes to thank the staff of St. Francis Terrace and Home, the staff and volunteers of Hospice Hope, Dr. David Weber and Dr. Michael Jones for the exceptional care provided to Nora. Twohig Funeral Home, Fond du Lac, is serving the family.
5/31/05 Rose MarTwohig, 79, of Armstrong died peacefully on Tuesday, May 31, 2005, at St. Nicholas Hospital in Sheboygan after a valiant battle with multiple myeloma and plasma cell leukemia.
She was born in the township of Osceola on June 28, 1925, to Thomas and Mamie O’Brien Scannell. On Sept. 26, 1959, Rose Mary married Robert E. Twohig at Our Lady of Angels Church in Armstrong. It was a celebration of love joining two Irish families.
Rose Mary attended Mitchell School, Roosevelt Junior High and graduated from St Mary’s Springs High School in 1943. She continued her education at Oshkosh State Teachers’ College, where she earned a bachelor’s degree in education. Rose Mary was a dedicated teacher. She began her 30-year teaching career at Horace Mann Rural School and went on to teach at Mitchell and Dundee rural schools, teaching all eight grades. She then continued her career in the Campbellsport School District for five years.
After her marriage in 1959 she took time off to raise a family. Bob and Rose Mary made their home on the Twohig family farm with their daughters MaryAnn, Patti and Robbie. Rose Mary’s value of education was instilled in them, as each pursued a career in the field of education. In recent years, she cherished being “Moma” to her grandchildren.
In the fall of 1974, Rose Mary returned for another 15 years of teaching at Campbellsport Elementary School, retiring in 1990. Through her years of teaching she influenced hundreds of students, many of whom remained in contact with her, remembering her teaching style, her wit and the gleam in her eye.
Her service to education didn’t stop in the classroom. She served on the Northeastern Education Association Executive Board for many years, early in her career was chairman of the State Reading Group, was a member of the Campbellsport Education Association, Wisconsin Education Association, and the National Education Association. Upon her retirement Rose Mary enjoyed serving as reporter for seven years and secretary for eight years of the Fond du Lac Area Retired Educators Association.
In June she was to receive the status of Honored Member of the Wisconsin Retired Educators’ Association. Her retirement also gave her the opportunity to celebrate her Irish heritage by becoming active in the Irish History Club of Fond du Lac. Over her years of participation she held a variety of offices including secretary, treasurer and president of the Irish History Club.
Rose Mary was able to share her enjoyment of music throughout her life. She sang with Jack Wenzlaff and his band, as well as a number of other local musicians. Later, she was a 4-H music leader and in her retirement served as an organist at St. Mary’s in Eden. Whether it was “McNamara’s Band” or the “Celtic Alleluia,” she brought enjoyment to those who heard her.
Rose Mary is survived by her husband, Bob of Armstrong; her daughters, MaryAnn (Chad) Reingold of Studio City, Calif., Patti (David) Marcinko of Oswego, Ill., and Robbie Twohig of Burlington; three grandchildren, Micaila Kelly and Egan Robert Marcinko, and Lilly Rose Reingold.
She is further survived by her nephews, Mike, Edward and Gerry; nieces, Mary Narges and Shirley Straub; her brothers-in-law, Dr. George Twohig and Leo Twohig; sisters-in-law, Patricia Twohig, Roseann Twohig and June Twohig; close cousin Robert Scannell (Bunny) of Kewaskum; and many other relatives.
She was preceded in death by her parents, Thomas and Mamie; her brothers, James and George (Marie); her sister, Isabell; her nephew, Patrick; her brothers-in-law, David and John Twohig, and her sisters-in-law, Laura May, Betty, Catherine and Florence Twohig, Nora (Herb) Niederehe and Margaret (Jerry) Fitzgerald.
Rose Mary celebrated her strong faith and family throughout her life. Along with these, she appreciated the value of education, the rural school and her Irish heritage, all of which she cherished.
• Services: A Liturgy of Christian Burial will be held at 10 a.m. on Monday, June 6, 2005, at Holy Cross Catholic Church in Mount Calvary, with Father Gerald Pehler and Father Anthony Scannell officiating. Burial will follow at Our Lady of Angels Cemetery in Armstrong.
• Visitation: Visitation will be held from 3 to 7 p.m. on Sunday, June 5, 2005, at the Twohig Funeral Home, Campbellsport, and from 9 a.m. until the time of services at the church on Monday.
Twohig Funeral Home, Campbellsport, is serving the family.
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